Diverse MBA teams perform worse

From “Diversity and Performance in Entrepreneurial Teams” (SSRN): Among the randomly-assigned teams [of MBA students], greater diversity along the intersection of gender and race/ethnicity significantly reduced performance. However, the negative effect of this diversity is alleviated … [when teams can choose their teammates]…teams with more female members perform substantially better when their faculty section leader was also…

Diverse MBA teams perform worse

Dawkins and Sokal on the dumb ideological ploy maintaining that human sex is “assigned at birth”

What a pair! The renowned biologist and the hoax-exposer/mathematician, teamed up to attack the medical profession’s new and woke tendency to deny the existence of biological sex as a reality. (Yes, all animals have exactly two sexes, which are not made up by society.) This eloquent op-ed is in the Boston Globe, and you can […]

Dawkins and Sokal on the dumb ideological ploy maintaining that human sex is “assigned at birth”

A Conversation with Gary Becker

CITIZEN SCIENCE: Govt continues to be captured by trans ideology

As the rest of the world wakes up from the trans fever dream, our media and political class continue to trundle along with their fingers in their ears and their eyes firmly shut. Radio New Zealand has avoided the topic for a while, but a couple of weeks ago treated us to a pantomime story…

CITIZEN SCIENCE: Govt continues to be captured by trans ideology

More on how trans female athletes damage women’s sports

Quillette has a published a “case study” showing how one transgender female athlete can wreak substantial damage not just on one woman, or on one sport, but on a ton of women and in five sports (basketball, rowing, volleyball, tae kwon do, and track). I won’t belabor this, for I’ve already written a lot about […]

More on how trans female athletes damage women’s sports

The Big Lie Behind DEI

Below is an article describing how the woke industry started and expanded by advancing a fundamental lie about human happiness and social fairness.  The image above calls attention to the notion that sorts individuals into classes and attributes inequalities in status or prosperity to oppression by others. The lie is that any disappointment or disadvantage […]

The Big Lie Behind DEI

*Who’s Afraid of Gender?*

That is the title of the new Judith Butler book, focusing mostly on trans issues.  To be clear, on most practical issues concerning trans, I side with the social conservatives.  For instance, I don’t think trans women have a right to compete in women’s weightlifting contests.  And I have not been happy with how many […]

*Who’s Afraid of Gender?*

A good refutation of a bad article on the supposed “spectrum” of sex

On March 8, I wrote a critique of this article, which appeared in American Scientist (click sceenshot to read): When I wrote my piece, I had grown weary of people making the same tired old arguments against the sex binary, arguments like saying that sex isn’t binary because male orangutans come in two forms (“flanged” […]

A good refutation of a bad article on the supposed “spectrum” of sex

Once again: the claim that sex is non-binary, but there are no new arguments

Really? Do I have to rebut the same arguments about the definition of biological sex again?  Well, here in American Scientist is a group of two anthropologists, one anatomist, and a gender-and-sexuality-studies professor, all telling us that there is no clear definition of sex, using the same tired old arguments to rebut the gamete-based sex […]

Once again: the claim that sex is non-binary, but there are no new arguments

Another gender gap


Not Bridgeable

In the last few years, especially after I started writing for this blog, I got more than a few comments about the need for bi-partisanship, not hating out ideological, let alone political opponents. What was notable about this was that they all came from the Right of the political spectrum. The Left seem quite happy […]

Not Bridgeable

The Irish reject a “Woke” constitutional change

Ireland’s effort to remove old-fashioned family values from its constitution suffered a double defeat Saturday as voters rejected the amendments on offer as maddeningly vague and threatening to property rights… In final results announced Saturday night, the amendment to change the constitutional definition of family was rejected by 67.7 percent of voters. The proposed changes […]

The Irish reject a “Woke” constitutional change


Longing for Auschwitz.

An article in Tablet Magazine with that title, “Longing for Auschwitz., that nails what lies at the heart of what happened in Israel last October 7. A couple of excerpts but as always… Hamas’s assault on Israelis on October 7th was not an act of war as we normally think of it but something far […]

Longing for Auschwitz.

In 1900, when most U.S. women baked their own bread and did the laundry by hand, maintaining a home was a full-time job.


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Bet On It

Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law


Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law

Bowalley Road

Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law

History of Sorts


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Roger Pielke Jr.

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Offsetting Behaviour

Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law


Res ipsa loquitur - The thing itself speaks

Conversable Economist

Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law

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Small Steps Toward A Much Better World


“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert”. - J Robert Oppenheimer.


The truth about the great wind power fraud - we're not here to debate the wind industry, we're here to destroy it.

Trust, yet verify

Searching for the missing pieces of climate change communication