Israel Can’t Win | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

The New York Times Denounces Cancel Culture . . . After Fueling Cancel Culture for Years

For those of us who have criticized the cancel culture in higher education for years, the attacks and shunning have unrelenting. The media has played a role in that culture and none more prominently than the New York Times. Recently, however, the mob came for liberal professors and media who have remained silent for years…

The New York Times Denounces Cancel Culture . . . After Fueling Cancel Culture for Years

The Hamas “ceasefire” deal is to release three dead bodies a week!

Gullible media have reported that Hamas has accepted a ceasefire deal. They have not. They rejected the proposed ceasefire deal and proposed their own one. And what are some key aspects of it: Hamas shall release three Israeli detainees on the third day of the agreement, after which Hamas shall release three other detainees every […]

The Hamas “ceasefire” deal is to release three dead bodies a week!

DON BRASH: Letter sent to the Vice Chancellor AUT

The following was written on behalf of Hobson’s Pledge: Dear Vice Chancellor Damon Salesa, We are a group of New Zealanders whose primary objective is to fight for equality under the law and advance the vision Governor William Hobson expressed at Waitangi in 1840. He is said to have spoken the following words to each…

DON BRASH: Letter sent to the Vice Chancellor AUT

The Assassination of Pim Fortuyn.

I have often made the point that there is basically no difference between the far left and the far right, If there ever was a clearer indication of that it was Pim Fortuyn, initially a Marxist and communist, he later did a complete U turn. Although I don’t consider extreme right, he was leaning towards […]

The Assassination of Pim Fortuyn.

Why have the media ignored this outrageous speech?

Read the whole tweet. A Member of Parliament got up in the House and said the Government (which has a Cabinet which is 35% Māori) wants to exterminate Māori. Has the media reported this, with the editorials decrying such nonsensical and abusive language? Imagine if an ACT MP said in the House that a Labour-led […]

Why have the media ignored this outrageous speech?

GARY JUDD KC: A law school to be avoided – Auckland University of Technology

The Dean of the law school at the Auckland University of Technology is someone called Khylee Quince. I have been sent her social media posting in which she has, over the LawNews headline “Senior King’s Counsel files complaint about compulsory tikanga Maori studies for law students,” written these enlightened words: What sort of lawyers will…

GARY JUDD KC: A law school to be avoided – Auckland University of Technology

Vic’s proposed speech suppression code

The FSU reports: Last week, we were sent draft principles for what discourse Victoria University intends to allow on campus. … “We should not provide a platform for, nor invite, individuals or groups to speak on campus that have previously demonstrated or are expected to express hate speech as the current law defines…” So Vic […]

Vic’s proposed speech suppression code

Majority of Northwestern’s Anti-Semitism Task Force Members Resign Over Deal With Protesters

The backlash over the settlement of Northwestern University with pro-Palestinian protesters continues to mount. In a letter acquired by The Daily Northwestern,  seven out of 11 members of the “President’s Advisory Committee on Preventing Antisemitism and Hate” resigned this week in protest.

Majority of Northwestern’s Anti-Semitism Task Force Members Resign Over Deal With Protesters

Two Videos from a “Liberal” licking a Red Pill

If you thought the political cartoons from earlier today were funny you’re going to love the next two videos. Just don’t kid yourself that libertine comedian Bill Maher is going to vote GOP in this year’s election, let alone for Donald Trump. He’s not red-pilled yet, merely rolling it around on his tongue to see […]

Two Videos from a “Liberal” licking a Red Pill

For the woke

“Zionists Don’t Deserve to Live”: Columbia Student Leader Under Fire for Violent Rhetoric

A student leader at Columbia is under fire this week over a newly-resurfaced video declaring that “Zionists don’t deserve to live.” Khymani James has been one of the leaders at the anti-Israel encampment at Columbia and featured prominently by media outlets. He is reportedly the spokesperson for Columbia’s anti-Israel student group Apartheid Divest James embodies the type of radical […]

“Zionists Don’t Deserve to Live”: Columbia Student Leader Under Fire for Violent Rhetoric

“Deactivated”: Columbia Reportedly Blocks Jewish Professor from Access to Campus

Professor Shai Davidai, an assistant professor at Columbia Business School, was reportedly denied access to the main campus on Friday as his school ID was “deactivated” during the recent protests over the Israeli-Gaza conflict. What was equally concerning is that the university did so for his own protection out of concern that, as an outspoken […]

“Deactivated”: Columbia Reportedly Blocks Jewish Professor from Access to Campus

“You Are Quite Openly Jewish”: London Police Under Fire for Confrontation With Man Near Anti-Israeli March

The London police are under fire this week for threatening to arrest a man wearing a kippah near a pro-Palestinian march. Officers inform Gideon Falter, head of the Campaign Against Antisemitism watchdog, that he was “antagonizing” the protesters by being “openly Jewish” near such a march. He was told that, if he tried to cross […]

“You Are Quite Openly Jewish”: London Police Under Fire for Confrontation With Man Near Anti-Israeli March

Hamas rejects cease-fires

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“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert”. - J Robert Oppenheimer.


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