Still no prudential regulation case around climate change

Eric Crampton writes – The Reserve Bank of New Zealand desperately wants to find reasons to have workstreams in climate change. It makes little sense.

Still no prudential regulation case around climate change

Marxist Economics Is Dumb

TweetHere’s a letter to the Wall Street Journal: Editor: You report that, in response to Google’s firing of 28 workers who protested that company’s affiliation with the Israeli government, a spokeswoman for the group that organized the protests said about the firings that “this flagrant act of retaliation is a clear indication that Google values…

Marxist Economics Is Dumb

No Knife But A Bloodletting Nevertheless.

Hosking went after Radio New Zealand this morning and it was bad.The Mike Hosking Breakfast, 0600 till 0900 has three producer/support staff, Radio NZ Morning report has 16 production staff to cover the same five day time slot, yet the state run highly subsidised show falls way behind in ratings.. That 16 figure for production […]

No Knife But A Bloodletting Nevertheless.

A Socialist Explains Why Socialism Can’t Work

Not that the socialist in question, Professor Richard D. Wolff, realises that’s what he’s doing in the Q&A video below – and he’s not talking about traditional Communist Command and Controlled Economies. What he’s actually describing is a very pure form of socialism, the sort only vaguely imagined by Marx, Engels and other communists when […]

A Socialist Explains Why Socialism Can’t Work

Pricing the Atlantic

A WSJ article by Alexandra Bruell reports that three years ago the Atlantic magazine ran a $20 million deficit which led to layoffs. A new boss, Nick Thompson, was tasked with turning this around. Along with editorial changes toward longer investigative pieces rather than breaking news, the Atlantic raised subscription prices 50%. How did he…

Pricing the Atlantic

An Open Letter to Nobel-laureate Economist Angus Deaton

TweetProf. Angus Deaton Princeton University Prof. Deaton: Over the years I’ve learned much from your writings, and I regard your 2013 The Great Escape as one of the most important books published in the past 15 years. So I was quite surprised and disappointed to read that you, as you say, are now “much more…

An Open Letter to Nobel-laureate Economist Angus Deaton

Reading deal – rare media bouquet

Both Matt Nippert of the NZ Herald and Tom Hunt of The Post deserve a bouquet for their analyses of the truly remarkable deal between the Wellington City Council (WCC) and the troubled American Cinema company Reading. For this who don’t know, Reading owns a large (more than 14, 000 square metres or 1.4 hectares) […]

Reading deal – rare media bouquet

TV layoffs not a threat to democracy

A few weeks ago I joined some contemporaries by abandoning the near sixty year habit of watching nightly TV news. I dropped it because I felt it did not give me real information that I had not acquired from other media sources, including some I pay for – The Economist, the NZ Herald, The Atlantic […]

TV layoffs not a threat to democracy

DAVID FARRAR: Meta withdraws Facebook News in Australia

David Farrar writes –  Stuff reports: Facebook owner Meta has refused to continue paying for news in Australia, announcing it will end its deals with local publishers when they expire this year in a decision that news companies say blatantly ignores the value of their journalism. The government also blasted the move, describing it as “a […]

DAVID FARRAR: Meta withdraws Facebook News in Australia


Could anything have saved it? The real surprise is not that Newshub is going under but that it’s lasted this long. TV 3 started broadcasting in November 1989, almost 35 years ago. It was a different era. There was no Sky, no digital platforms and the new kid on the block was going head to head…


ROBERT MacCULLOCH: Economics 101 explains why Newshub Bankrupted

Economics 101 explains why Newshub Bankrupted – it was the fault of its own journalists who should recognize they were the architects of their own demise. A thousand books and papers in economics and business strategy are about the topic of product differentiation – ensuring that what you sell is different from others in order…

ROBERT MacCULLOCH: Economics 101 explains why Newshub Bankrupted

Europe’s Wind Industry Faces Total Oblivion & Slovakia Cans All Wind Projects

Europe’s wind industry is in its death throes. Denmark’s Ørsted share price plummeted 25% late last year, and after slashing dividends to shareholders was forced to write $billions off the projected value of its US offshore projects, and its share price is still heading south. Europe’s turbine manufacturers are bleeding cash and their shares will […]

Europe’s Wind Industry Faces Total Oblivion & Slovakia Cans All Wind Projects

The Economics of Creative Destruction, Part II

I’ve referred to “creative destruction” as the “best and worst part of capitalism.” This short video from the Fraser Institute is a good tutorial on the topic. The core message is that entrepreneurs improve our lives by coming up with new ideas, new technologies, and new products. That’s the good news. The bad news is […]

The Economics of Creative Destruction, Part II

“We Don’t Do That Here.”: Former NY Times Editor Blasts the “Gray Lady” for Bias and Activism

Former New York Times editor Adam Rubenstein has a lengthy essay at The Atlantic that pulls back the curtain on the newspaper and its alleged bias in its coverage. The essay follows similar pieces from former editors and writers that range from Bari Weiss to Rubenstein’s former colleague James Bennet. The essay describes a similar […]

“We Don’t Do That Here.”: Former NY Times Editor Blasts the “Gray Lady” for Bias and Activism

Ford EV Crisis: “Our Gen 2 vehicles won’t launch unless we can … profit” 

Death of the EV revolution?

Ford EV Crisis: “Our Gen 2 vehicles won’t launch unless we can … profit” 

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Bet On It

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Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law

Bowalley Road

Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law

History of Sorts


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Roger Pielke Jr.

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Offsetting Behaviour

Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law


Res ipsa loquitur - The thing itself speaks

Conversable Economist

Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law

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Small Steps Toward A Much Better World


“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert”. - J Robert Oppenheimer.


The truth about the great wind power fraud - we're not here to debate the wind industry, we're here to destroy it.

Trust, yet verify

Searching for the missing pieces of climate change communication