Stopping people dying on the job – Brooke van Velden on workplace safety…

Unfettered: Fishback 25 Years Later

A quarter century ago, economist Price Fishback published “Operations of ‘Unfettered’ Labor Markets: Exit and Voice in American Labor Markets at the Turn of the Century” 1,762 more words

Unfettered: Fishback 25 Years Later

The crews bracing themselves for a rise in electric car fires

Firefighter: “Our preferred approach is to let them burn themselves out”. EV fires ‘create a variety of toxic chemicals’. They ‘have to be “quarantined” away from other vehicles even after the fire appears to have been put out’, in case they re-ignite days or even 2-3 weeks later. Other types of car are still available, […]

The crews bracing themselves for a rise in electric car fires

Another gender gap

Master and Commander: The Biden Dogs Accused of Dozens of Additional Attacks at White House

We have been writing about alarming record of the dogs of the Bidens attacking staff and Secret Service agents through the years. At first, the story was a humorous distraction as some of us wondered if the First Family had a vicious dog. It then became more alarming as each of the dogs were found […]

Master and Commander: The Biden Dogs Accused of Dozens of Additional Attacks at White House

Darwin award

Alice Evans on the ideological gender divide

I suggest, Men and women tend to think alike in societies where there is Close-knit interdependence, religosity and authoritarianism, or Shared cultural production and mixed gendered offline socialising. Gendered ideological polarisation appears encouraged by: Feminised public culture Economic resentment Social media filter bubbles Cultural entrepreneurs. Here is the full piece, currently the best piece on […]

Alice Evans on the ideological gender divide

Flying in America Has Actually Never Been Safer

U.S. airlines have gone nearly 15 years without a fatal crash—and it’s not just luck. The revolution in the skies began with an innovative program that has become a model for the rest of the world.By Ben Cohen of The WSJ. I used the book The Economics of Public Issues in my micro classes. It had…

Flying in America Has Actually Never Been Safer

Unfettered: Fishback 25 Years Later

A quarter century ago, economist Price Fishback published “Operations of ‘Unfettered’ Labor Markets: Exit and Voice in American Labor Markets at the Turn of the Century” in the prestigious Journal of Economic Literature. Fishback’s article is packed with insight… and understatement. But let’s back up. Virtually every standard history textbook describes U.S. labor markets before…

Unfettered: Fishback 25 Years Later

Holiday safety advice

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Unscheduled Battery Blowups Turning Electric Vehicles Into Mobile Time Bombs

The transition to electric vehicles is hardly going to plan: sales have collapsed in the US, EV manufacturers are bleeding cash and insurers are cranking up premiums to account for an uptick in the number of unscheduled battery blowups – aka ‘thermal runaways’. The vehicle doesn’t go anywhere, it simply self-immolates in a plume of […]

Unscheduled Battery Blowups Turning Electric Vehicles Into Mobile Time Bombs

AASLE 2021 Bob Gregory Lecture – Claudia Goldin

My Chris Williamson Interview

Several good friends warned me not to publish Don’t Be a Feminist. I appreciate their concern, but I’m glad I kept my own counsel. Here’s my interview with Chris Williamson on the book and beyond. Apparently he’s kind of a big deal…

My Chris Williamson Interview

Claudia Goldin with Kiana Scott: The Century-Long Fight to Close the Gen…

BRIAN EASTON:  Claudia Goldin Wins The 2023 Nobel Economics Laureateship

Brian Easton writes – A woman who was once chief executive of New Zealand’s biggest company said ‘It is true that a large percentage of the [women’s pay] gap is unexplained and that’s where the issue comes about; could it be bias even if that’s unconscious bias? Regardless of how we’ve got a gap … […]

BRIAN EASTON:  Claudia Goldin Wins The 2023 Nobel Economics Laureateship

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Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law

Bowalley Road

Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law

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Roger Pielke Jr.

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Offsetting Behaviour

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Res ipsa loquitur - The thing itself speaks

Conversable Economist

Celebrating humanity's flourishing through the spread of capitalism and the rule of law

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Small Steps Toward A Much Better World


“We do not believe any group of men adequate enough or wise enough to operate without scrutiny or without criticism. We know that the only way to avoid error is to detect it, that the only way to detect it is to be free to inquire. We know that in secrecy error undetected will flourish and subvert”. - J Robert Oppenheimer.


The truth about the great wind power fraud - we're not here to debate the wind industry, we're here to destroy it.

Trust, yet verify

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