Climate alarmists launch the media career of @SenatorMRoberts – updated again

The television appearance the other night of Senator elect Roberts shows that any publicity is good publicity especially if no one has ever heard of you before.

Through breathless journalism, the media career of climate sceptic Malcolm Roberts has been launched. He is self-confident, vaguely articulate so it was reasonable television viewing.


The appeals to authority such as by Brian Cox when debating Roberts is not science.

Unlike Pauline Hanson, who is a ill-educated buffoon, Roberts is educated and presumably has the ability to learn and acquire media skills. After the television appearance the other night, he is guaranteed many other media outings that givens him publicity he could never have imagined. This is all courtesy of people who do not want to hear from him who made him famous.

8 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. nottrampis
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 19:42:17

    He proved as big an embarrassment as Hanson. It is all a conspiracy you know!



    • Jim Rose
      Aug 17, 2016 @ 19:52:54

      yes, the Greens do go on about Exxon and other plots.



    • Jim Rose
      Aug 17, 2016 @ 20:08:13

      Judge People by the way they judge others.

      Climate alarmist routinely accuse others who disagree with them of being on the payroll of Exxon and other multinationals and oil companies and so forth.

      This is despite the thousands and thousands of jobs in academia and bureaucracy and NGOs for climate activists and researchers and bureaucrats. The only people on the payroll because of climate change are the alarmists. But they have the gall to accuse others of taking money to support their position. Does that trouble you?



  2. nottrampis
    Aug 17, 2016 @ 21:33:08

    Whom pays better Exxon and multinationals, The koch bros etc or Universities?

    gimme a break



  3. nottrampis
    Aug 18, 2016 @ 23:02:32

    Brian Cox had a graph on temperature levels. They show a rising trend. The other graph is not intended to examine that. It is inferiror



  4. Thomas Hermann Kaminski
    Aug 19, 2016 @ 10:20:50

    Interesting – just found 1.5 trillion reasons to at least question what we have been told day in and day out… >>>
    Spot the Vested Interest: The $1.5 Trillion Climate Change Industry
    Climate Change Business Journal estimates the Climate Change Industry is a $1.5 Trillion dollar escapade, which means four billion dollars a day is spent on our quest to change the climate. That includes everything from carbon markets to carbon consulting, carbon sequestration, renewables, biofuels, green buildings and insipid cars. For comparison global retail sales online are worth around $1.5 trillion. So all the money wasted on the climate is equivalent to all the goods bought online.
    The special thing about this industry is that it wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for an assumption about relative humidity that is probably wrong. As such, it’s the only major industry in the world dependent on consumer and voter ignorance. This is not just another vested interest in a political debate; it’s vested-on-steroids, a mere opinion poll away from extinction. You can almost hear the captains of climate industry bellowing: “Keep ‘em ignorant and believing, or the money goes away!”.

    I rest my case…



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