Killer @Greens technologies

One thing that we know that helps endangered animals more than endangered species lists is giving people ownership rights over animals

Why Trophy Hunting Can Be Good for Animals

Saving Endangered Species

Repugnant markets and the demand and supply for counterfeit legal ivory

A huge legal sale of ivory in 2008 backfired. Instead of crashing the price of ivory and undermining poaching, poaching exploded in East Africa. It increased by 65%.

The international trade in ivory was banned in 1989. In 2008, China and Japan were allowed to pay $15m for 107 tonnes of ivory from elephants that died naturally in four African nations.


Source: Study finds global legalization trial escalates elephant poaching | Berkeley News.

Hsiang and Sekar this week found that this legal sale of ivory was followed by “an abrupt, significant, permanent, robust and geographically widespread increase” in ivory poaching. They were right to conclude that the legal sale provided a cover for poached ivory.

The economic intuition was that if we allow the sale of some legal ivory in Japan and China, then there would be fewer people left to purchase it illegally. We found that that intuition was incorrect. The black market for ivory responded to the announcement of a legal sale as an opportunity to smuggle even more ivory.

The legal sale of ivory created new demand for ivory in China, where it no longer had the stigma of an illicit product. The presence of legal ivory provided cover for smugglers trying to peddle illegal ivory sourced from poachers.

As illegal ivory can now masquerade as legal ivory in China, transporting and selling illicit ivory has gotten easier and cheaper, which can boost illegal production even though prices are falling.

Ivory is a repugnant market. Many friends will be revolted by you having ivory products.

The presence of legal ivory made it possible for counterfeit legal ivory to be passed off as legal ivory and therefore your friends will not reject you. This is a real  and striking example of a unintended consequence. The solution to poaching is property rights.

Many conservationists are against effective rhino conservation

How humans cause mass extinctions?

Mostly Economics

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Zimbabwe Quietly Re-Opens Lion Hunts After Outcry Over The Killing of “Cecil the Lion”


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The economics of trophy hunting


Organizations and Markets

| Peter Klein |

rs_300x300-150728134433-600.Cecil-The-Lion.jl.072815No doubt you’ve heard about Walter Palmer, the American dentist who shot the lion, “Cecil,” in Zimbabwe, pushing aside Sir Tim Hunt as the Internet’s Most Hated Person. (Aside from calling Palmer cruel and depraved — even wishing his death by bow and arrow — some are labeling him a sociopath, which makes me wonder, are lions now considered members of society? Orgheads?)

I don’t hunt and have no particular emotional attachment to lions, so I find the outrage level bewildering. However, I think this can be a teachable moment. Specifically, there are lessons here about trophy hunting and endangered species. Not surprisingly to anyone who has studied property-rights economics, there is evidence that allowing trophy hunting is a good means of protecting endangered species. This is a version of the general argument that defining and enforcing property rights in scarce resources, including wildlife, provides incentives…

View original post 71 more words


How many of each of the threatened species still exist?

What are the prices on the black market for animal parts?

Wind power is bad for the environment

Killer green technologies alert: wind farms kill protected endangered species

Killer green technologies alert: wind farms ‘kill confused bats’:

Bats are being killed by wind turbine blades because the air currents are similar to those near tall trees

Over 600,000 bats were killed by wind turbines in the United States in 2012 including endangered species.

via Wind farms ‘kill confused bats’: Turbines are deadly to the animals as they create same air currents as trees, so they fly too close | Daily Mail Online.

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